
Smart injector provides a bunch of easy-to-use functions and methods, which let you configure your container as you need it quickly.

Basic example:

from smart_injector import create_container

class A:

class B:
    def __init__(self, a: A):
        self.a = a

container = create_container()
b = container.get(B)
print(isinstance(b.a, A))

If you have only dependencies on concrete types, no further configuration will be needed and you can use the Di container as it is.


Smart-injector relies on type annotations to resolve dependencies. Therefore type annotated code is a must have, if you want to use smart-injector efficiently. For many cases smart-injector can resolve dependencies automatically. However, there are some limitations for the automatic depenendency resolving mechanism.

  • dependencies on abstract types
  • dependencies on builtin types
  • explicitly provide arguments
  • setting lifetime of a dependency
  • set dependency to a specific instance

These cases need explicitly configuration. Basically, container configuration follows this pattern:

First you define a function which takes one parameter of type smart_injector.Config. Then you provide this function as a parameter to the factory function smart_injector.create_container(). In your function you can use the methods provided by the Config object to configure your container. In the next sections we will cover how this is done in detail.

Dependencies on abstract types

Abstract types (classes that inherit from abc.ABC() and have at least one abc.abstractmethod()) cannot be instantiated directly. There for it is impossible for smart-injector to resolve these kind of dependencies. An explicit binding of an abstract class to a concrete class must be configured. This is done by using smart_injector.Config.bind().

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class A(ABC):
    def do(self):

class ConcretA(A):
    def do(self):

from smart_injector import Config # not needed but lets you type annotate your configure method

# create your own configuration function. This function must take a parameter of type Config
def configure(config: Config):
    # use config's bind method to bind A to ConcretA
    config.bind(A, ConcretA)
    # now if there is a dependency on A ,then an instance of ConcretA will be injected

# create an instance of your new defined container
container = create_container(configure)
a = container.get(A)

With the above configuration, the container will inject an instance of type ConcreteA, whenever there is a dependency on A.


Binding is not restricted to abstract classes. You can bind type A to type B as long as type B is a subclass of type A. Moreover, it is possible to chain bindings. Let’s take the last example and add one more class.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class A(ABC):
    def do(self):

class ConcretA(A):
    def do(self):

class ConcretB(ConcretA):
    def do(self):

def configure(config: Config):
    config.bind(A, ConcretA)
    config.bind(ConcretA, ConcretB)
    # now everytime when there is a dependency on A then ConcretB will be injected

# create an instance of your new defined container
container = create_container(configure)
a = container.get(A)

Instead of A an instance of ConcreteA should be used, but since there is a binding from ConcreteA to ConcreteB effectively there will be inject an instance of ConcreteB.


Additionally, you can bind types to functions. For this to work, the function must return either an instance of that type or an instance of a subclass of that type.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class A(ABC):
    def do(self):

class ConcretA(A):
    def do(self):

class ADependency:

def concret_a_factory(dependency: ADependency)->ConcretA:
    return ConcretA()

def configure(config: Config):
    config.bind(A, concret_a_factory)
    # now everytime when there is a dependency on A then the object returned by concret_a_factory will be injected

# create an instance of your new defined container
container = create_container(configure)
a = container.get(A)

In the above example “concrete_a_factory” was called to get an instance of A. In addition, the dependencies of conrete_a_factory are injected automatically.


Dependencies on builtin types

Dependencies on builtin types are default constructed by default.

container = create_container()


This is rather useful. Therefore, a method for providing values for constructor or function parameters would be useful.

Explicitly provide arguments

You can provide arguments explicitly by configuring your container to do so. Either by specifying values for the arguments or by specifying a factory function for an argument, which will be called when resolving dependencies.

Values for arguments

Values for arguments can be set with smart_injector.Config.arguments().

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, a: str, b: int, c: float):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c

def configure(config: Config):
    # use config's arguments method to provide some arguments
    config.arguments(MyClass, a="hello", b=42, c=1.0)
    # now everytime when there is a dependency on MyClass then MyClass(a="hello", b=42, c=1.0) will be inserted

container = create_container(configure)
a = container.get(MyClass)

In the above example MyClass will be created as MyClass(a=”hello”, b=42, c=1.0).


If arguments are provided explicitly, it is not necessary to provide all arguments. Arguments which are not specified, are resolved automatically by the DI container .

class Foo:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, a: str, foo: Foo, c: float):
        self.a = a = foo
        self.c = c

def configure(config: Config):
    # use config's arguments method to provide some arguments
    config.arguments(MyClass, a="hello", c=1.0)

container = create_container(configure)
a = container.get(MyClass)
print(isinstance(, Foo))

In the above example no argument for parameter foo was specified. Therefore, the dependency on foo is resolved by the container. In this case it is a default constructed Foo().


By explicitly providing arguments it is also possible to resolve dependencies without type annotations.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a

def configure(config: Config):
    # use config's arguments method to provide some arguments
    config.arguments(MyClass, a="hello")
    # now everytime when there is a dependency on MyClass then MyClass(a="hello", b=42, c=1.0) will be inserted

container = create_container(configure)
a = container.get(MyClass)

There is no type annotation for MyClass parameter a. Anyhow, the value “hello” is injected correctly for parameter a.



At the moment only keyword arguments can be provided with arguments. Moreover, you cannot provide the keyword argument “where” which is used to specify arguments in a specific context (see Context section for further information).

Setting factories for arguments

Instead of providing values for parameters, it is also possible to define a function which will be called to retrieve the value for the parameter. A factory for a parameter is set with smart_injector.Config.arg_factory().

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, a: str):
        self.a = a

def get_a()->str:
    return "hello"

def configure(config: Config):
    config.arg_factory(MyClass, a=get_a)

container = create_container(configure)
a = container.get(MyClass)



You can provide any callable as a factory. If necessessary, dependencies of the factory function are injected automatically by smart_injector. Additionally, if you provide a method of a factory function, smart_injector will create a class instance and then call that method. (smart_injector will also create and inject all dependencies to create that instance automatically)

class MyInt:
    def get_int(self) -> int:
        return 42

class ProvidesInt:
    def __init__(self, a_int: MyInt):
        self._a_int = a_int

    def get_int(self) -> int:
        return self._a_int.get_int()

class NeedsInt:
    def __init__(self, a_int: int):
        self.a_int = a_int

def configure(config: Config):
    config.arg_factory(NeedsInt, a_int=ProvidesInt.get_int)

container = create_container(configure)
needs_int = container.get(NeedsInt)

Smart_injector creates an instance of ProvidesInt automatically (and it will inject an instance of MyInt into it). Then it calls method “get_int” of that previously created instance.


For this kind of factory methods it is impossible to set arguments for the method explicitly with smart_injector.Config.arguments().

Setting dependency’s lifetime

By default all injected objects have a transient lifetime. That means, that every time when an object is needed a new instance of that object is created.

class A:

class B:

from smart_injector import Lifetime

def configure(config: Config):
    # use config's lifetime method to specify an objects lifetime
    config.lifetime(A, lifetime=Lifetime.SINGLETON)
    # now there will be only one object of type A, which will be inserted wherever an object A is needed
    config.lifetime(B, lifetime=Lifetime.TRANSIENT)
    # everytime a new object B is created. This is the default behaviour for all types

container = create_container(configure)
a1 = container.get(A)
a2 = container.get(A)
b1 = container.get(B)
b2 = container.get(B)
print(a1 is a2)
print(b1 is b2)

b1 and b2 refer to the same object since lifetime of B was defined as SINGLETON.


It is possible to override the default lifetime for objects created by a container. This must be done when the container is created.

class A:

from smart_injector import Lifetime

container = create_container(default_lifetime=Lifetime.SINGLETON)
a1 = container.get(A)
a2 = container.get(A)
print(a1 is a2)

Specify a specific instance

If you want a specific instance to be used for a type, you can do that, too. You have specify the instance with smart_injector.Config.instance().

class A:
    def __init__(self, a: str):
        self.a = a

my_a = A("foo")

def configure(config: Config):
    # use config's instance method to specify that a particular instance shall be used
    config.instance(A, my_a)
    # every time an object of type A is needed, the instance my_a will be returned

container = create_container(configure)
a1 = container.get(A)
print(a1 is my_a)

# TODO explanation for contexts and where parameter

Get a configured object from the container

When you ask the container to provide you an object of type T by calling smart_injector.StaticContainer.get() with T, the container will provide and configure the object in a specific way.

Resolving Order

First of all, the container determines, which real type is requested and if a new instance has to be created:

  1. If an instance of T was set with smart_injector.Config.instance() method, use this instance of T.
  2. If a binding was specified for T with smart_injector.Config.bind(), use the bounded type instead of T and start again with a new request with the bounded type.
  3. If T’s lifetime is singleton(with smart_injector.Config.lifetime() or smart_injector.create_container() and default_lifetime = smart_injector.Lifetime.SINGLETON, create a new instance of T at the first request. Return the same instance on every subsequent request.
  4. If T is a builtin type, than use the type’s default constructor.
  5. Create a new instance of T.

New Instance Creation

When a new instance of T must be created. The container will resolve all dependencies of T via the following schema:

  1. Determine all dependencies of T. This means all argument of T’s constructor, if is a class or of T itself if it is a function.
  2. Remove all dependencies of T, which were already set with smart_injector.Config.arguments() or smart_injector.Config.arg_factory().
  3. Resolve the remaining dependencies by asking the container to resolve each dependency.
  4. For every argument, for which there was set a factory with Config.arg_factory, call that factory function. This is done by asking the container to resolve the factory function by calling smart_injector.StaticContainer.get(). Therefore, all dependencies of that factory function are resolved automatically, too.
  5. Create the new oject of type T with the former resolved dependencies injected.